Corbett signs petition calling for tighter pollution controls in upwind states
Katie Colaneri

Marie Cusick/ StateImpact Pennsylvania
Governor Tom Gorbett has signed a petition calling on the EPA impose tighter air pollution standards on upwind states.
Pennsylvania Governor Tom Corbett has added his name to the list of governors in the Northeast who want the federal government to require upwind states to reduce ozone emissions.
Eight democratic governors signed a petition Monday calling on the EPA to expand the Ozone Transport Region to nine states in the Midwest. The OTR is a group of 12 Northeast and Mid-Atlantic states – including Pennsylvania, Delaware and New Jersey – that are held to some of the country’s strictest air pollution standards.
The governors who have signed the petition say despite working to reduce emissions, air quality in the the OTR continues to violate federal standards because of pollution that is blown from Midwestern states with less stringent requirements for coal-fired power plants and vehicle exhaust systems.
The petition was delivered the EPA in Washington, D.C. yesterday. At the time, Corbett’s Energy Executive Patrick Henderson said the administration was still considering whether or not to sign it.
In a press release, Corbett said Tuesday he is committed “to protecting air quality and the health of Pennsylvania residents.”
“Signing this petition reflects that commitment, and our hope is that the EPA will level the playing field by ensuring other states are being good neighbors by abiding to the same standards we have in Pennsylvania,” Corbett said.
Republican Governor Chris Christie from New Jersey has not signed the petition.