Public Meeting Planned For Decommissioning of Three Mile Island
Marie Cusick

Federal officials will hold a public meeting next week in Hershey to talk about plans for the eventual decommissioning of Three Mile Island.
Federal officials with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission will hold a public meeting next week in Hershey to discuss the eventual decommissioning of Three Mile Island.
TMI’s Unit 2 has not been used since it partially melted down in 1979– it was the most serious accident at a nuclear plant in U.S. history.
From the York Daily Record:
Since 1993, GPU Nuclear has contracted with AmerGen, and later Exelon, to maintain TMI Unit 2 in its current state of decommissioned monitored storage.
That includes checking the structures for integrity, taking environmental samples to check for radiological levels and providing security, said Neil Sheehan, a spokesman for the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
Exelon owns and operates TMI Unit 1.
During the meeting, commission officials will discuss GPU’s Post-Shutdown Decommissioning Activities Report for TMI Unit 2 — a document that goes over how that unit is currently being maintained.
TMI’s Unit 1 has an operating license that extends until 2034. Both units are slated to be dismantled and demolished in 2044.
The federal Department of Energy has taken possession of Unit 2’s spent fuel. It’s currently being stored at the Idaho National Laboratory.
GPU was required to file its decommissioning report to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission two years after Unit 2’s cleanup activities were completed– in 1995. However, the report wasn’t filed until this June.
The meeting will be held Wednesday, August 28 from 7 to 9 p.m. at the Cocoa Terrace Hershey Lodge in Hershey.