Federal Bill Would Fast-track Pipeline Approval Process
Marie Cusick

Kevin G. Hall/MCT/ Landov
A natural gas pipeline runs across the prairie near Sidney, Montana. Hall/MCT/ Landov
The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reports on a federal bill aimed at making the approval process faster for natural gas pipelines.
Rep. Mike Pompeo (R- Kansas) is sponsoring the legislation. The House Energy and Commerce Committee’s energy and power subcommittee had a hearing on the measure yesterday.
From the Post-Gazette:
Regulatory agencies already are required to act within 90 days of the completion of an environmental study by the Federal Environmental Regulatory Commission (FERC). Mr. Pompeo said he is trying to change the process because there are no consequences when agencies miss the deadline.
The commission is ultimately responsible for the permits but has no authority to penalize the numerous other agencies that it relies on, such as the Fish and Wildlife Commission, the Army Corps of Engineers and the Bureau of Land Management.
About 90 percent of applications are processed on time, but approval for the largest and most complicated pipeline projects can take more than two years.
Mr. Pompeo’s bill would provide automatic permit approval if an agency hasn’t acted within 90 days — or within 120 if the agency can show cause for an extension.
The federal Energy Information Administration released data earlier this year showing that more than two-thirds of new pipeline mileage last year were built in the Northeastern U.S– largely driven by the Marcellus Shale.