Moving On
Scott Detrow

Scott Detrow / StateImpact Pennsylvania
A Bradford County drilling site
This is my 929th StateImpact Pennsylvania blog post. It’s also my last. After five years at witf, I am leaving Harrisburg and headed west. Beginning February 11, I’ll be covering California politics and government as KQED’s Sacramento bureau chief.
I’ve enjoyed every aspect of this job, but three stand out: first, the opportunity to travel through beautiful parts of Pennsylvania I had never visited before, and to learn about the fascinating world of energy policy. I had covered natural gas drilling for several years as Pennsylvania Public Radio’s state Capitol reporter, but it wasn’t until I hit the road and talked to people face-to-face that I really began to understand just how complex Pennsylvania’s drilling boom really is. (Who knew, for example, that fracking and rattlesnakes could overlap?)
Second, I’ve enjoyed the constant feedback from readers and listeners on all sides of energy issues. And finally, I’ve loved working with – and learning from – a great group of co-workers at witf, WHYY and NPR.
I’m confident that Susan Phillips and StateImpact Pennsylvania’s new reporter will continue to turn out the types of compelling stories that recently won the DuPont-Columbia Award. I look forward to reading their work, and hope you do, too.