Sandy Isn't Stopping Pennsylvania's Nuclear Power Plants
Scott Detrow

A satellite image of Hurricane Sandy, which is expected to hit land late Monday night
All four Pennsylvania nuclear power plants in Hurricane Sandy’s path expect to remain operational through the storm.
Exelon Energy owns Dauphin County’s Three Mile Island, York County’s Peach Bottom Atomic Power station, and Limerick Generating Station in Chester County. Spokespeople from all three facilities say the plants will keep producing, despite winds exceeding 50 miles-per-hour.
“All Exelon nuclear stations are robust and fortified facilities, capable of withstanding the most severe weather, including hurricanes and floods,” reads a press release issued by the company. “Extra precautions have been taken at each Pennsylvania facility, including increased staffing, pre-staging of emergency equipment, activating back-up communications, and securing outside equipment and materials.”
The fourth plant in the storm’s path, Susquehanna Steam Electric Station, is owned and operated by PPL. One of its two units is already shut down for maintenance, but spokesman Joe Scopelliti says its second unit will remain at its current 70 percent output through the storm.
Meantime, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission tells the Associated Press it is sending additional inspectors to nuclear power plants in Sandy’s path.