Lancaster County Banking On Impact Fee Revenue
Scott Detrow
Tim Lambert / WITF-FM
A Lycoming County drilling rigFM
Want proof Pennsylvania’s new drilling impact fee will send revenue across the commonwealth? Lancaster County, which is about as far away from the Marcellus Shale formation as you can get, expects to take in more than $2 million:
Just because there are no deep-drilled natural gas wells in Lancaster County doesn’t mean the county won’t share in the newly established Marcellus Shale impact fees.
One estimate floated by the Lancaster County Planning Commission indicates a first installment could send $2.2 million into county coffers.
The money would have to be used for bridges and parks and preservation of natural lands.
The county commissioners were briefed on the revenue-sharing from Marcellus Shale by county planners in April, the same month Act 13 went into effect.