Norquist's Pledge Didn't Stop Impact Fee
Scott Detrow

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Grover Norquist
The Patriot-News takes a look at how Grover Norquist’s much-heralded “Taxpayer Protection Pledge” could not stop the new natural gas drilling impact feefrom becoming law:
Pennsylvania will shortly have an impact fee for Marcellus Shale.
Grover Norquist called it a tax, but Pennsylvania Republicans passed it anyway.
Gov. Tom Corbett, who signed Norquist’s pledge, plans to sign the Marcellus bill, too, according to his spokesmen.
Political reality trumps ideology.
In an election year, Pennsylvania Republicans determined inaction on Marcellus Shale carried far greater risks than being accused of raising taxes.
The story includes details of an interesting email exchange between the Commonwealth Foundation’s Matthew Brouillette and Lancaster County Republican Scott Boyd, who signed the pledge but supported the impact fee.