Oil Billionaire Harold Hamm to Lead AG Pruitt’s Re-Election Campaign
Joe Wertz

Robert Pitts / Landov
Harold Hamm
Oil billionaire Harold Hamm, the CEO and Chairman of Oklahoma energy giant Continental Resources has been tapped to lead state Attorney General Scott Pruitt’s re-election campaign.
The Associated Press reports:
Pruitt described Hamm as a “dedicated businessman, visionary, and icon here in Oklahoma.”
Hamm is no stranger to politics. He’s a major Republican donor, and he served as candidate Mitt Romney’s chief energy adviser during the 2012 presidential race.
Attorney General Pruitt is a big player in state energy and environmental policy, and he’s played a major role in Oklahoma’s Supreme Court water case and ongoing tribal water dispute. He also spearheaded lawsuits against the Environmental Protection Agency over federal rules he says encroach on the state’s regulatory authority.