Have the Final Say on the State Budget in Stillwater
Joe Wertz

Pcol / Flickr
Stillwater is hosting the third and final state budget forum, which includes a panel of Republican and Democrat lawmakers, an economist, and reporters from StateImpact and KOSU.
StateImpact Oklahoma’s three-city state budget roadshow wraps up tonight in Stillwater.
Oklahoma’s legislative session starts Monday, and tonight’s town hall-style forum might be the last chance you have to weigh-in — in person — on your lawmakers’ state budget priorities.
The 6:30 p.m. Stillwater event is unlike the forums we held in Tulsa and Oklahoma City: Both parties and both houses will be represented tonight, and we’ve got an expert on the state’s agricultural economy on hand to talk about the (often sad) evolution of rural Oklahoma.
Oh, and pizza.
The central question to be discussed tonight, according to OSU’s The Daily O’Collegian:
“ … how do your tax dollars morph into all those zeros in the state budget?”
State Budget Roadshow — Stillwater
Co-hosted by KOSU
6:30 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 31
Hideaway Pizza
302 S. Knoblock St. (map!)
<< Sen. Jim Halligan, R-Stillwater
Member of the Senate Appropriations Committee and its Education subcommittee
Rep. Cory T. Williams, D-Stillwater >>
Member of the House Appropriations and Budget Education subcommittee
<< Dave Shideler, Economist
And Assistant Professor and Extension Specialist in the Department of Agriculture Economics at Oklahoma State University