Nixter / Flickr
Nixter / Flickr
Nixter / Flickr
Three state representatives and a well-regarded Oklahoma economist are gathering tonight in OKC to answer questions about the state's economy and budget.
StateImpact is in Oklahoma City tonight to lead a discussion on the state budget and economy.
It’s our second stop. The first event was Monday night, and the Tulsa crowd was riled up and ready for some answers about state spending.
We’ve got three lawmakers and an economist on tap for tonight’s event, which starts at 7 p.m. at OETA in N.E. Oklahoma City.
It’s a town hall-style forum and the lawmakers will be talking about spending priorities for the upcoming legislative session, so come put your mouth where your tax money is.
Co-hosted by KGOU and OETA
7 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 25
Community Room
7403 N. Kelley Ave. (map!)
<< State Rep. Joe Dorman, D-Rush Springs
Member of the of the House Appropriations and Budget Committee and its Public Safety subcommittee.
State Rep. Scott Martin, R-Norman >>
Vice-chair of the House Appropriations and Budget Committee
<< State Rep. Emily Virgin, D-Norman
Member of Appropriations and Budget Judiciary subcommittee
Mickey Hepner, Economist >>
And Dean of the University of Central Oklahoma’s College of Business Administration