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Lackluster Job Growth Could Hold Back New Hampshire Economy

Just a little bit ago, when we announced our plans to live-blog the New England Economic Partnership’s regional conference tomorrow.  Economists, demographers, and sundry analysts will provide their best predictions–based on the numbers–of what the near future holds for the six New England states. We also noted that the press has been treated to some […]

We’re Liveblogging The Latest New England Economic Forecast!

While a few numbers are dripping into newsrooms today, tomorrow is the big day for looking ahead at the economic future of the region.  From 8:30 am until 2:00 pm, economists from all over New England will gather at the University of New Hampshire-Manchester to dish on revenue, employment, and demographic trends shaping our area. […]

Q&A: What’s Driving UNH’s High Student Debt Numbers?

Starting last week, and continuing today, we’ve been focusing on a report from the Project on Student Debt. Nationally, the average Class of 2010 student graduated with $25,250 in loans, while New Hampshire alumni carried student debt loads of  $31,048, on average. Although it’s clear that average student debt in New Hampshire is high, there […]

Q&A: Explaining Dartmouth’s (Relatively) Low Student Debt Load

New Hampshire alumni lead the pack when it comes to average student debt, according to a report from the Project on Student Debt. Nationally, the average Class of 2010 student graduated with $25,250 in loans, while New Hampshire alumni carried student debt loads of  $31,048, on average. So why does student debt matter for the […]

After UNH, Plymouth State’s Class of ’10 Had Highest Average Student Debt

This week, we’ve been taking an up-close look at a report released by the Project on Student Debt called, “Student Debt and the Class of 2010.”  We’re working on getting behind the numbers cited in earlier posts (here and here), which found the average student debt carried by an alum of UNH‘s Durham campus is […]

Interview: New Hampshire Leads Country In Student Debt

If you’ve been following our work this week, StateImpact’s been taking a closer look at student debt in New Hampshire.  All Things Considered host Brady Carlson checked out the site and decided to interview one of our reporters about what we know so far about student debt in the Granite State.

New England Carries Some Of The Country’s Heaviest Student Loan Debt

Recently, we’ve been looking into student debt in New Hampshire.  (You can read the initial posts here and here.)  As the Project on Student Debt reports, the Class of 2010 took on a record amount of loans–an average of $25,250 nationally. And the newly-graduated in New Hampshire took on the heaviest burden in the country, […]

Student Debt Reaches Record Levels–And NH Leads The Pack

Student debt has been a popular topic lately.  The big figure currently bandied about is that American students and alumni are carrying a trillion dollars of debt. But that figure, $1,000,000,000,000, it feels so…abstract.  I’ve never even seen a million dollars, let alone a billion or a trillion.  What can a trillion dollars buy? It […]

Laconia Sees Boom In Vacation Home Market

Here at StateImpact, we’re interested in how second homes contribute to New Hampshire’s economy.  With ten percent of the state’s housing stock made up of vacation homes, only two other states have a higher proportion secondary homes–Maine and Vermont. As part of a series last summer on how the vacation home economy works in the […]

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