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Arlinghaus And McLynch Discuss Upcoming Budget

Reported by contributor Brian Wallstin. Gov.-elect Maggie Hassan and New Hampshire lawmakers are beginning to outline their priorities for the 2013-2015 biennial budget, led by a new Democratic majority in the state House.  This week, two experts told a gathering of business leaders in Concord that restoring even some of the cuts made in 2011 […]

Drink Coasters 2.0: Seacoast Startup Puts Ads In A New Place

By turning drink coasters into local advertising space, a self-described “coaster fiend” and her three friends are trying to promote local businesses, support charities – and create local jobs while they’re at it. Here’s how it works: LocalCoaster sells low-cost advertising to local shops like The RiverRun Bookstore on one side of a coaster. On the […]

State Agencies Submit Optimistic Budget Requests

State agencies requested nearly $700 million in new spending at the state’s agency budget hearings, a 26 percent increase over the last state budget. “It is important for us to understand that we will not be able to reverse course all at once,” Governor-Elect Maggie Hassan warned, after reiterating her promise to reverse the last […]

Fiscal Cliff Would Not Hit New Hampshire As Hard As Other States

Although New Hampshire won’t be hit as hard as other states, the fiscal cliff could shrink state revenue – according to a new report from the Pew Center on the States. Because federal and state finances are closely tied, the study finds, federal tax increases and spending cuts will have consequences for all state budgets. 

Wind Farm Brings Relief For Taxpayers in Groton, But Not Lempster. And Grafton?

Residents of Grafton gathered Tuesday night for a town-hall style meeting hosted by the Spanish renewable energy company Iberdrola. The company is hoping to build a wind farm in Grafton, and has already developed wind farms in Groton and Lempster. One of the selling points for towns is the potential for tax revenue from the […]

Is Being A Swing State Good For N.H.’s GDP?

As election season in this swing state draws to a close, we ask: What effect does New Hampshire’s status as a swing state have on the state’s economy? Economist Brian Gottlob says that the short, high-profile events of the general election can be costly for the cities that host them, and they don’t add much […]

Are Granite Staters Better Off Than Four Years Ago? Depends On Your Job

This post has an Infographic! In his acceptance speech at the GOP convention, Mitt Romney asked American voters “are you better off than you were four years ago when President Obama was elected?” The President responded with this: “we are absolutely better off than we were when I was sworn in and we were losing […]

Are YOU Better Off Than Four Years Ago? How Do You Know?

Are you better off now than you were four years ago? StateImpact New Hampshire looks at key economic indicators to understand how Granite Staters are doing. And everyone is different! If you’re a business consultant, construction worker, nurse or public servant — find out how you fit into the puzzle.

It’s All A Wash: Hurricane Sandy And The Broken Window Fallacy

Hurricane Sandy has brought commerce to a halt across a geographic area worth $10 billion annually in economic activity. Will it help the economy, or hurt it? Some economists will say hurricanes like Sandy produce enough economic activity to create a net gain. But they may not be taking into consideration what is known as […]

UNH Researchers Announce New Economic Index For Hospitality Industry And More

A team of researchers at the University of New Hampshire has announced a new economic tool — something they’ve been developing for almost 12 years.  The Lodging Executive Sentiment Index, or LESI, is based on a monthly survey of 20 lodging executives who run more than 55 percent of all lodging rooms in the country. […]

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