Monthly Archives: May 2012

NH Plays Waiting Game For Foreclosure Settlement Money

Rafael Gonzalez / Flickr

It will be awhile before NH sees a dollar of the historic bank settlement

After announcing New Hampshire’s share of a $43 billion multi-state settlement with the country’s biggest banks, the Granite State’s officially in waiting-game-mode.  Although the settlement was announced in February, it didn’t get the official approval until April.  Now, banks have to sift through paperwork, which could take months.  As Jake Berry explains in the Nashua Telegraph:

“Because the money will be distributed directly from the five banks [Bank of America, Citigroup, GMAC, JP Morgan Chase, Wells Fargo], rather than the state or federal government, it’s impossible to tell how many people will receive money under the settlement. But Delaney said Monday that the number of homeowners calling the attorney general’s office for assistance has tripled since the settlement was announced.” Continue Reading

NH Bookstore Flips The Script On Struggling Indie Bookseller Narrative

Horia Varlan / Flickr

Tied into the story of downtown development are some interesting narrative nuggets about an indie bookstore

The fact that developer Steve Duprey has another project in the works isn’t terribly surprising.  What is rather intriguing about his latest venture–a 70,000 square foot, five floor edifice on South Main Street in Concord–is one of the slated tenants: A much-expanded Gibson’s BookstoreBen Leubsdorf of the Concord Monitor writes:

“Duprey said he’s particularly excited to have Gibson’s Bookstore in his new building, a move he said would restore the community meeting place that was lost last year when Borders went bankrupt. The former Borders on Fort Eddy Road is now a Books-A-Million. Continue Reading

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