Draft Report Recommends Major Regulatory Changes For Businesses

Neets And Dre / Flickr
Cutting down on red tape is one of the primary goals for GOP leadership this session
As we’ve noted previously, deregulation is one of the major themes the Legislature will be tackling this session. On TheLobbyNH.com, reporter Kevin Landrigan notes that, “Well below the radar, the Commission to Study Business Regulations has been meeting and today [Thursday] is expected to vote on its final report.”
Landrigan writes The Lobby managed to get its hands on the interim draft report–which the Business & Industry Association played no small role in creating. The report proposes some major changes in current regulations:
“Among its many recommendations would be to do away with the requirement that small businesses have workers’ compensation insurance, eliminate safety plan requirements and make the Department of Labor give 12 hours notice before undertaking a surprise inspection of a company’s premises…
The report would also require that any company found not to be in compliance with a labor regulation or law would have to first receive a written warning before a fine could be issued.
There are minority members Gov. John Lynch named to this commission who objected to these changes as going too far in the name of deregulation.
But they look to be outnumbered on the panel, 21-5, by pro-business members.”
No word yet on the final vote count.