Best Of StateImpact: Why The NH Lottery’s Revenues Are Down–And Why It Matters
One of our most popular on-going series has been “Losing The Lotto,” our continued look at the facts, figures, and people behind the New Hampshire Lottery.
Losing The Lotto: What The New Hampshire Lottery Pays For: Our first installment of the series tackles the basics of what you need to know about how the state lotto works and maps its steady revenue decline over the years.
Losing The Lotto: Where The Revenue Comes From: In this short post, we chart out which games are the big money makers for the state, and explain why.
Losing The Lotto: Waiting For Massachusetts: A little break from the numbers-crunching, we document our quest to gather usable data from the New Hampshire Lottery’s arch-rival.
Losing The Lotto: How A Massachusetts Gas Station Is Eating Into NH’s Education Funding: We take you out of the realm of charts and graphs and take you to an unlikely gambling wonderland right across (and we do mean right across) the border.
Losing The Lotto: Comparing NH’s Lotto Prizes To Massachusetts: We continue or border store escapades, looking at the issue from the other side of the stateline: the Salem, NH businesses that can’t unload lotto tickets. And then we use data to explain why.
Losing The Lotto: How Much Would Having Keno Help NH’s Revenues?: Expanded gaming–be it adding Keno to the Lottery Commission’s menu of offerings or opening a full-scale casino–is a controversial issue in the Granite State. We talk with New Hampshire Lottery Executive Director Charlie McIntyre about the relative merits of Keno, and whether not having the game is actually hurting the state’s revenues. Then we crunch some numbers to see if he’s right.
Why It Doesn’t Really Matter That Powerball Prices Are Doubling: Although not technically part of our “Losing The Lotto” series, it’s a quick that draws on previous reporting and provides some food for thought.