
Bringing the Economy Home


Map: Who Benefits Most If Idaho’s Business Personal Property Tax Is Eliminated

In 2011, more than 53,000 Idaho companies paid the business personal property tax. Half of those businesses paid less than $90. Who stands to benefit from getting rid of the tax? Click around the map to see the top five payers in each county. The darker a county is shaded, the more reliant it is on the personal property tax. Continue reading

Map And Tables: See Who Is Spending For And Against Idaho’s Props 1, 2, 3

The campaigns for and against Idaho's Propositions 1, 2, 3 have brought in a lot of money. When you add it all up, the two sides have received donations totaling $4.88 million. It's all focused on a months-long tug-of-war over whether the package of controversial education laws known as Students Come First will be upheld or repealed on November 6. Continue reading

Wind As Energy, Wind As Art

Sometimes, in reporting, you stumble across something that is just plain great.  Lately I’ve been focused on wind development, and this wind map is one of those awesome things I happened to find.  Go ahead: click on it.  You’ll see.

Martin Wattenberg and Fernanda Viegas

The live wind map is an art project, as the site explains.  It’s based on data from the National Digital Forecast Database, and it’s updated hourly.

My recent reporting has given me an excuse talk to landowners and lawyers and utility reps and folks at the Idaho Public Utility Commission.  Those are fascinating conversations, but it’s complex stuff.  That is to say: this mesmerizing, real-time representation of winds blowing all across the U.S. came as a breath of fresh air.  Pun intended.  Couldn’t resist.

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