
Putting Education Reform To The Test


Higher Education

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Political Correctness Challenges Campus Free Speech

Know the joke about how many college students it takes to screw in a light bulb? Probably not, since it’s not a real joke. Nor is the decision some comedians are making to avoid college campuses where they say students today are too easily offended. Back in June, comedian Jerry Seinfeld told ESPN radio that […]

A Q & A With The University Of Florida’s New President

Three months ago Kent Fuchs became president of the University of Florida, leaving New York’s Cornell University. Fuchs says Florida universities are adding new faculty, but opposition to higher tuition means more pressure to find private donations. The University of Florida is also expanding a new online program, with a goal of eventually enrolling 24,000 […]

Study: Performance Funding Doesn’t Improve Higher Ed Graduation Rates

Performance funding in public higher education is a way for states to hold institutions accountable for certain outcomes. But new research shows it doesn’t do much to keep students enrolled or boost graduation rates. A study co-authored by Dr. David Tandberg, Florida State University assistant professor of higher education, shows little difference in outcomes between institutions […]

Charting Florida College And University Graduates By Pay

The Florida Department of Education released the first edition of an annual report compiling Florida college and university graduate earning data last week. Generally, graduates with science degrees were more likely to earn more in their first year of employment after college. But which school’s graduates earned the most money? Check out these charts created […]

How Much Influence Does Koch Money Have At FSU?

There are questions about whether a nonprofit founded by a prominent conservative activist has too much influence at a public college. Florida State University rewrote its agreement with the Charles Koch Foundation after some on campus complained that the relationship undermined the school’s academic integrity. But critics say it still gives donors with their own […]

Marco Rubio Wants To Change College

When Sen. Marco Rubio was growing up, his parents gave him an edict: “From a very early age they used to tell us, ‘tu tienes que estudiar,’ which means, ‘you have to study.’ So growing up I don’t ever recall not considering going to college,” Rubio told an audience at Miami-Dade College on Monday. Rubio talked at length about […]

For Homeless Students, College Enrollment Means A Roof Over Their Heads

It is college-application season, which means high-school seniors across the country are scrambling to write personal statements, list all their extracurricular activities and take the SATs. Sierra DuBose is one of those seniors, enrolled at Miami Edison Senior High, but she is also one of almost 7,000 kids in the Miami-Dade public-school system who are […]

House Speaker Wants To Change ‘Culture Of Mediocrity’ In Higher Education

House Speaker Will Weatherford banged the opening gavel in the Florida House this morning, introducing the 60-day session with a speech heavily focused on education. He promised the continued “pursuit of a world-class, student-centered K-12 education system in Florida.” But he said attention must be paid to higher education as well, because “education solves problems […]

State Leaders Ready To Expand Online Higher Education In 2013

The Florida Board of Governors will enter 2013 with a priority of expanding higher education online. Members will meet in mid-January to talk about their options, including the creation of a public university that is online only. “There could be no doubt that Florida is already a major contributor to the world of online learning,” […]

Florida’s 13th Public University May Be Online Only

Does Florida need a 13th public university that would be devoted solely to online learning? The Florida Board of Governors (BOG), which oversees the state university system, is looking into it at a meeting today in Davie. The 2012 Florida Legislature provided funds to the BOG to hire a consulting firm that would study the […]

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