
Putting Education Reform To The Test


Florida Department of Education

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State Task Force Proposal Would Require School Districts To Fund Charter School Facilities

A state task force is considering a proposal which would require local school districts to give money to charter schools for facilities. Construction, maintenance and other capital expenses has been a growing concern for Florida schools as the state funding for those programs has decreased. A Florida Department of Education task force will meet this […]

Some Florida School Districts Not Checking For K12 Problems

Editor’s note: This story has been updated from the version originally published. Seminole County teacher Amy Capelle had to make a decision. Her supervisor at the nation’s largest online school, K12, asked her to sign a roster saying she’d taught 112 kids. She’d only taught seven. “If you see your name next to a student […]

Florida Keeps Two Sets Of Seclusion Data — And Why Neither May Tell The Full Story

Last week, we posted data we received from the Florida Department of Education on the instances of student seclusion and restraint in Florida schools. Readers chimed in saying they’ve seen different data. And we’ve figured out why. The Florida Department of Education keeps two sets of student seclusion and restraint data. Every incident is supposed […]

Georgia Wants To Track Student Data Through Graduate School

Georgia is taking tracking student progress to the next level. The state is working on a system that will keep track of student data from pre-K through graduate school. Georgia is using a federal Race To The Top grant to create a statewide database. Researchers will look for trends – good or bad – as […]

The Florida Schools Which Raised Their Grade In 2012

Yesterday we told you about a Tampa charter school which improved its grade from an F to an A despite tougher state standards this year. We thought we’d give credit to the other 294 schools (after the state Department of Education corrected the list) which improved their grades as well. Here they are, by the […]

“Significant Gains:” How A Tampa Middle School Earned Its ‘A’ Grade

Last year Mount Pleasant Standard Base Middle School’s grade dropped to an F from an A. Principal Yolanda Capers says the grade stung because she saw her students improving. “It’s devastating because…our students were still learning,” she says. “58 percent of our students made learning gains in reading. That’s a lot of learning gains. However […]

Florida GED Goes Digital

Florida is modernizing its alternative to a high school diploma with a computer-based GED test. The GED Testing Service is partnering with five Florida counties to offer registration, scheduling and testing on a computer. The new GED is available in Alachua, Citrus, Escambia, Highlands and Walton counties. The goal is to make the process easier […]

Florida Officials Want To Remove Students With Severe Disabilities From School Grading System

Florida education officials are working to strip out a controversial change to the state’s grading system which requires students with severe disabilities to take the Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test, according to Education Week. State education officials and lawmakers approved the change this year in order to receive a federal waiver from portions of the federal […]

Explaining How A Florida College Database Might Help You Earn $6,500 More

Need help deciding on a college? A new web tool from the Florida Department of Education enables students and parents to wade through the options. The Smart College Choices web portal lays out graduation rates, employment statistics and earnings data for graduates of Florida’s 28 public institutions. Users can see how much money graduates in […]

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