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Florida Students Go Online To Join Algebra Nation

Algebra Nation Video Clips from Study Edge on Vimeo. The first year Florida ninth graders took the state’s Algebra 1 end-of-course exam, less than half those students passed the test. Students must pass the exam to earn a high school diploma, so the results worried school officials. In the two years since, districts are trying […]

New Online Exams Will Also Test School Districts’ Technology

Ocoee High School just west of Orlando opened less than a decade ago. But technology-wise, the 2,300-student school is already obsolete. Ocoee is part of $14 million project to outfit seven Orange County schools with fast, wireless Internet and new classroom technology. The first step was ripping out and replacing miles of fiber optic cable […]

Hackers Stole Employee Data From Florida’s New Testing Company

Hackers stole employee data earlier this month from the American Institutes for Research, the company chosen to produce Florida’s next standardized test. No student information was stolen, according to Education Week. But, the hackers got Social Security numbers and credit card information for about 6,500 current and former employees. From the story: “The breach only […]

Two New Studies Find Problems With Teacher Evaluations

Two new national studies raise questions about the how accurate modern teacher evaluations are. The first study, from the University of Southern California’s Morgan Polikoff and the University of Pennsylvania’s Andrew Porter, finds test-based evaluation scores have little to no link to other teacher quality measures, such as how well instruction matches standards and the […]

A Post-Session Q & A With Senate Education Chairman John Legg

We sat down with Senate Education Committee Chairman John Legg to talk about the recently completed legislative session. Legg said it was a good year for schools, with the budget boosting per student funding and lawmakers adding more options for students who want to earn college credit while still in high school. On the year’s […]

Explaining A $50 Million Jacksonville Effort To Recruit And Retain Top Teachers

Jacksonville-area businesses and nonprofits are trying to raise $50 million to help recruit and retain top teachers for three dozen of the district’s most challenged schools. The effort, known as Quality Education for All, is intended to help improve schools that have been the center of education-related lawsuits for decades. The money will pay bonuses […]

Bandwidth, Computers, Classroom Space All A Challenge In Online Testing

Having enough high-speed Internet and computers are problems as Florida school districts transition to online testing tied to new math and language arts standards. But testing rules have made classroom space and logistics a challenge as well. Pensacola News Journal reporter Michael Scott Davidson outlines some of the issues in Santa Rosa County schools: Wyrosdick […]