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Mining Student Data To Keep Kids From Dropping Out

It’s report card day at Miami Carol City Senior High, and sophomore Mack Godbee is reviewing his grades with his mentor, Natasha Santana-Viera. The first quarter on Godbee’s report card is littered with Ds and Fs. This quarter, there are more Cs and Bs. He’s got an A in English. “Congratulations on that,” says Santana-Viera. “When you need help, do you know where […]

Checking The Claims In The New Ad About Florida Schools

Editor’s note: This post has been updated to clarify claims about Advanced Placement tests. This week, the Foundation for Excellence in Education began running a television ad in the Tampa Bay market touting Florida school progress. The ad serves two purposes: it argues Florida schools are improving, and that improvement is due to annual statewide […]

FSU Will Examine Florida Colleges’ Remedial Course Changes

Florida State University researchers have won a grant to study the effects of a new state law making remedial math, reading and writing courses optional for many students at Florida’s two- and four-year state colleges. Students who entered high school in the past decade and earned Florida’s standard high school diploma no longer have to […]

Explaining The Florida Tuition Law Gov. Rick Scott Wants To Repeal

Gov. Rick Scott is asking lawmakers to eliminate the state’s tuition differential law, which allows universities to request as much as a 15 percent tuition increase each year. Scott has fought higher education tuition hikes since he took office in 2011. “We are changing how we fund higher education,” Scott said, according to the prepared […]

Conversation About Florida Standards Changing As Legislative Session Begins

Sondra Hulette and her granddaughter joined dozens of anti-Common Core protestors as they circled a fountain outside the Orange County school district offices last month. Inside the building, the State Board of Education was about to rename Common Core as “The Florida Standards.” But outside, Hulette and others chanted “Stop Common Core!” “Keep education local!” […]

Panel Recommends AIR For Florida’s Next Test

A Florida Department of Education panel is recommending the American Institutes for Research produce Florida’s next statewide test. The non-profit American Institutes for Research should produce Florida’s next statewide exam a Florida Department of Education procurement panel said Tuesday, the Times/Herald Tallahassee bureau reports. The final recommendation is up to Education Commissioner Pam Stewart. She […]

State Board Tweaks Standards Despite Objections

The State Board of Education approved changes to the state’s K-12 standards that keeps calculus and cursive writing, and clarifies and adjusts when some standards are taught. The board approved the changes despite dozens of parents and activists asking the board to rescind the standards. The vote marks another –possibly final — transformation for Florida’s […]