
Putting Education Reform To The Test


Stories about students and the initiatives designed to improve performance. Are the many education reforms Florida has adopted having an impact?

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Read The Business Plan For Florida’s New Online University

Tomorrow the Florida university system board of governors will meet to discuss University of Florida Online. Lawmakers created the university this spring after studying online options for two years. The online-only university will be part of the University of Florida and is scheduled to start classes in January. Supporters say the school will more access […]

School Health Clinics Are Re-Imagining The Role Of The School Nurse

It’s a Wednesday morning and the waiting room is already starting to fill up at the North Miami Beach Senior High School clinic. A 16-year-old girl with an enormous red bow pinned above her ear approaches the appointment window. A beveled glass pane slides open. The woman behind the desk doesn’t ask for insurance information […]

What’s The Goal For Gov. Scott’s Education Summit?

Why are three dozen parents, teachers, principals, business leaders and others spending three days in Clearwater talking about education? That’s what reporters asked interim Education Commissioner Pam Stewart about this week’s summit called by Gov. Rick Scott. During a break Monday, Stewart took questions from reporters. What exactly did she hope to accomplish? Stewart said […]

Hillsborough County’s Parent University Is Back In Session

School is back in session, and so is Parent University. Parent University is a partnership between the Alliance for Public Schools and the Hillsborough County school district. Parents can take classes to learn more about district school choice offerings, the transition to middle or high school and how to find financial aid for college. Some […]

This Week In Education Polling

The start of the school year in Florida and many parts of the country has meant a glut of new education polls asking about shared education standards, standardized testing, teacher evaluations and policies adopted by Florida and other states. The most noteworthy poll is the annual Phi Delta Kappa/Gallup poll of education issues. This is […]

New Data Raises Questions About Advanced Placement Courses

Students failed nearly 1.3 million Advanced Placement exams last year, according to an analysis by Politico. And the overall passage rate for the exams has declined since 2002. In addition, The College Board, the nonprofit which administers the Advanced Placement exams, said research no longer supports the idea that students benefit just by taking the […]

Back-To-School Scenes From Across Florida

After a long, humid summer, kids across the state are waking up and getting ready to go back to school this week. One of those students, 16-year-old Keri Grigas, started her junior year at South Broward High School this morning. Listen to her bus-stop interview with us from this morning: Keri later met up with […]

Is Florida’s School Grading System Too Complicated?

Florida officials made just two major changes to the state formula which determines A-to-F school grades during the first six years of its use — adding a component to measure student test improvement from year-to-year and expanding the number of students included in the formula. But since 2010 the state has made 16 changes to […]

New Standards Will Require Rewriting Expectations, But Not School Grading Formula

Last month State Board of Education members turned on Florida’s school grading system. The board was being asked to voted on two temporary changes which would soften the impact of several years of changes to the state formula which assign schools and districts an A-to-F rating. One change would prevent schools from dropping more than […]

New York Scores Drop On Test Tied To Common Education Standards

Educators say the percentage of students meeting state goals on Florida’s math and reading tests will decline after the state switches to new standards known as Common Core. How bad will it be? Check out the test results released today in New York. Just 31 percent of New York students in third through eighth grades […]

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