Florida College System Students Can Take Their Credits To A Private School

Chancellor Randy Hanna oversees the 28 institutions in the Florida College System.
Students who attend Florida’s public colleges can transfer to private institutions in Florida without losing credits.
The agreement continues a partnership between the Independent Colleges and Universities of Florida (ICUF) and the Florida College System.
The agreement — known a 2+2 in higher education circles — enables students to complete a two-year Associate in Arts degree and then transfer to the upper division of a bachelor’s degree program.
The original deal was crafted in 1992 and has undergone a few updates since then.
“We want to recognize the importance of transfer opportunities and demonstrate our ongoing commitment to the ideal of cooperation between public and independent sectors of post secondary education,” said Randy Hanna, chancellor of the Florida College System.
State colleges remain the primary point of access to higher education. About two-thirds of Florida’s high school graduates begin their pursuit of a post secondary degree at a Florida college.
The Florida Department of Education says 82 percent of minority freshman and sophomore students attend one of the state’s 28 public colleges.
Of the nearly 25,000 students enrolled in ICUF institutions in the fall of 2011, 36 percent transferred from a state college.
“We expect this agreement will continue to serve Floridians for the next 20 years and beyond.” Chancellor Hanna said.
“Our valuable partnership with the Florida College System highlights our shared educational priorities,” said Dr. Ed Moore, president of ICUF. “Florida is a national leader in the development of continuing education programs like 2+2.”
ICUF is made up of 31 private, not-for-profit institutions. They award about one-quarter of Florida’s bachelor degrees and one-third of all bachelor’s and advanced degrees.