Don’t Confuse The Florida Virtual Academy And The Florida Virtual School

Florida Virtual School
The Florida Virtual School wants you to know they are not under investigation.
The news Florida is investigating K12, Inc, the nation’s largest online educator, has created confusion about Florida’s similarly named online schools.
The Florida Virtual Academy are schools managed by the for-profit K12, Inc. K12 provides services for 43 Florida school districts.
In addition, non-profit groups in many counties have applied to open independent online charter schools run by K12 but overseen by a non-profit board. Those schools would also carry the Florida Virtual Academy brand, such as the proposed Florida Virtual Academy at Marion County.
By contrast, the Florida Virtual School is the state-run online option.
When news of the investigation broke last week, the school started getting calls.So they put out a press release making sure everyone knew the difference between the two schools.
Here’s how Florida Virtual School described themselves:
Florida Virtual School, the statewide public online school district that has been serving the state of Florida for 15 years, is not affiliated with the for-‐profit company K12, Inc. which operates in Florida as Florida Virtual Academy.
Florida Virtual School instructors are highly qualified and Florida certified in the subject areas for which they teach, of which more than 100 are national board certified. In addition, Florida Virtual School is performance-based funded, only receiving state funding when a student successfully completes a half‐credit course.