Feedback Loop: Broward Gets Low Marks for School Supply Extra Credit

Sarah Gonzalez / StateImpact Florida
A marine science class at South Broward High. Kevius Morgan, center, and Taylor Drake, right.
Sarah Gonzalez‘ story about Broward County students earning extra credit for purchasing school supplies elicited strong reactions on the StateImpact Florida blog this week.
Bombeck strongly disagreed with the extra credit, which is not a district policy:
So now they’re teaching students how to buy grades. Very nice. I can see offering some small extra credit for community service, but this is ridiculous.
Kerm, a teacher, said awarding extra credit was “ridiculous,” but that school districts weren’t living up to their responsibilities:
Would some children steal things to “contribute” to class supplies? I have been teaching for a long time and have continually been frustrated by inadequate supplies of books. Copiers that constantly break down and paper that has been rationed (literally) are a problem as well. I am disgusted to read that there is no comment by any school official about rectifying the supply problem. What’s next- students scratching their school work in the dirt with sticks?
Old Engineer gently disagreed:
What is ridiculous is the position the People of this country have been placed in to need to choose between two bad choices.
Teachers will keep teaching and eager students will continue to follow those who work in their best interests. Kids are trying to communicate and not many are listening.
And indeed, if we need to teach with a stick in the dirt, so be it. That didn’t seem to slow down Pythagoras and Archimedes.
Finally, Lori_m_burke said she didn’t mind helping out with supplies, if asked:
I have no problem helping out my daughters’ school with supplies if it means that teachers can get paid the wages they deserve and programs are not cut. This is a tough economy and we all have to help out. My daughters’ teachers are inspiring, motivating and talented and the curriculum is rigorous… Keep up the wonderful work at Fort Myers High School!
Reader reaction is an important part of building StateImpact Florida’s education coverage. Feedback Loop will be a regular feature highlighting your questions, criticisms and comments.