Making An Impact Through “People Reporting”
I first realized the power I have as a journalist while covering education in Oakland.
I was part of a team that created a radio documentary on the public school system. Our work compelled listeners to donate toward filling the food cabinet of a teacher struggling to feed her hungry students. And one listener offered a college-bound senior living with her drug addicted mother paid tuition. Our work provoked listeners to act. From that moment, I aspired to always generate such movement through journalism.
My motivation as a journalist and sociologist is to be a catalyst for social change through “people reporting” and data analysis.
I’ll be traveling throughout the state, visiting classrooms and communities to report on how government policies are impacting students and teachers on the ground. I look forward to bringing you the voices of people in your community, and the voices of people trying to influence education in Florida.
Be sure to follow us on social media, and stay tuned right here for education coverage online and on public radio stations throughout Florida. I encourage you to interact with us and let us know what’s going on in your community. Your voice is important to the type of in-depth pre-K through college education reporting John and I are committed to producing.