Joe Wertz / NPR StateImpact
Joe Wertz / NPR StateImpact
Joe Wertz / NPR StateImpact
The Task Force for the Study of State Tax Credits and Economic Incentives met 10 times over the last six months and approved a list of recommendations to rein in millions of dollars worth of tax credit and incentive programs.
The tax credit task force has finished, and its final recommendations will soon be in the hands of Gov. Mary Fallin and the Legislature.
StateImpact Oklahoma came online in time to report live from most of the 10 task force meetings, but we’ve detailed all the panel’s deliberations at length.
On Thursday, state House staffers released an enormous binder containing the reports, statements, PowerPoints, graphs and charts referenced in six months worth of meetings.
It’s 654 pages long, but we’ve made it a little easier to dig through.
Reining in tax credits is a legislative priority, and the task force’s recommendations have laid the groundwork for specific bills aimed at capping, sunsetting, overseeing and outright eliminating millions in tax credits and economic incentives.
If you want to peruse the entire task force binder, we’ve uploaded a browse-able version here, but we’ve also broken down six months worth of meetings one-by-one so you can see what was discussed, what material was presented and read StateImpact Oklahoma’s live and post-coverage.
Credits Examined:
• Tax Credit for Qualified Historic Rehabilitation
• Property and Casualty Insurance Guaranty Association
• Life and Health Insurance Guaranty Association
Credits Examined:
• Energy Efficient Residential Properties Tax Credit
• 5 Year Ad Valorem Exemption for Qualifying Manufacturing Concerns
• Ad Valorem Reimbursement Fund
Credits Examined:
• Oklahoma Capital Investment Board Tax Credits
• Small Business Venture Capital Formation Incentive Act
• Rural Venture Capital Formation Incentive Act
Credits Examined:
• Investment/New Jobs Tax Credit
• Oklahoma Quality Jobs Program Act
Credits Examined:
• Home Office Tax Credit
• Gross Production Tax Exemptions for Horizontal Drilling Deep Wells
Credits Examined:
• Tax Credit for Qualified Historic Rehabilitation (follow-up discussion)
• Railroad Reconstruction and Rehabilitation Tax Credit
• Compete With Canada Film Act – “Film Rebate Incentive”
Credits Examined:
• Zero Emission Facility Tax Credit
• Small Wind Turbine Manufacturing Tax Credit
• Coal Production Tax Credit
• The task force discussed its final report and the criteria by which it would evaluate tax credits and economic incentives.
• The task force continued discussing its final report and evaluation criteria, and voted and approved content for its final report and the tax credit “matrix,” which gives details on each credit.
Joe Wertz / NPR StateImpact
Rep. Earl Sears, R-Bartlesville, at the final meeting at the tax credit task force.
The task force formally approved its final report and list of recommendations for Gov. Mary Fallin and state lawmakers.