
Tropical Storm Irene

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How Big Box Stores Stayed Stocked Up on Batteries During the Hurricane Scare

If you were in the Northeast last week, you probably saw the retail aftermath of a freak hurricane scare: Big box store shelves denuded of cheap flashlights and, more importantly, their constant companions, those hulking, hard-to-store, near-obsolete D batteries.  People who didn’t even remember where their flashlights were suddenly started scouring New England for the […]

How Do States Get FEMA Disaster Relief Money After Irene?

In the wake of Hurricane/Tropical Storm Irene, there’s been a lot of chatter about another big battle brewing in Congress: FEMA disaster relief funding.  The agency’s been underfunded for years, to the point that it hasn’t been able to keep some promises dating back to 2008.  Some long-term rebuilding projects have been put on hold […]

NH Communites Continue Dealing With Irene Fallout: A Roundup

The cleanup process following Tropical Storm Irene continues across New Hampshire.  Here’s a snapshot of what’s going on across the state: NHPR’s Dan Gorenstein reports most of the state’s electric companies have turned the lights back on, but… “The state’s largest utility, PSNH still has tens of thousands without any service. …Company spokesperson Mike Skelton […]

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