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Renewable Energy Entrepreneur Talks Benefits, Challenges Of Going Green In N.H.

This week, StateImpact will be checking-in on the progress of the University of New Hampshire‘s Green Launching Pad initiative.  Begun in 2010 with $1.5 million in federal stimulus money, the GLP’s goal is to provide seed money, UNH faculty business expertise, and student interns to entrepreneurs in the state’s growing green sectors. One of the […]

Primary Crash Course: How GOP Gov. Candidates Say They Would Jump-Start The Economy

Next week, New Hampshire voters will decide who gets to run for governor this November.  And despite the fact that most states would envy our 5.4 percent unemployment rate, jobs and the economy are the issues driving the primary elections. StateImpact lays out the similarities–and differences–between the plans of the leading GOP candidates. Q: How […]

Q&A: Why There’s More To The “Skills Gap” Than A Worker Shortage

Ramping-up federal funding for highly skilled, computerized advanced manufacturing training at community colleges is a key part of President Obama’s jobs initiative.  In a recent budget proposal, he pushed for creating an $8 billion Community College to Career fund.  Among other things, it would increase training for advanced manufacturing.  That sits well with a number […]

Q&A: The Strengths and Weaknesses of Manufacturing in New Hampshire

What we’ve seen since President Barack Obama’s State of the Union address has been a series of press events at various factories (including a vice presidential visit to Albany Engineered Composites in Rochester) and media stories touching on the state of American Manufacturing. It’s part of the president’s latest jobs initiative that focuses on reviving the manufacturing sector. Given […]

Q&A: Meet In-Coming Stonyfield CEO Walt Freese

Stonyfield co-founder Gary Hirshberg created a bit of a stir in New Hampshire’s business press when he announced he was stepping down as CEO and moving over to the Chairman role.  We recently spoke with Hirshberg about his 28 years at Stonyfield, his role in the natural food movement, and how the growing organics market […]

Q&A: Why The Patron Saint Of “Reagonomics” Supports A Carbon Tax

If there is a patron saint of modern Republican tax policy, it is economist Arthur Laffer.  Laffer is best known for the  Laffer Curve – a graph of the theory that under the right circumstances, a cut in tax rates produces higher tax revenues.  The Laffer Curve was the keystone of  so-called “Reaganomics.” He was […]

Q&A: State’s New Transportation Commissioner Battles Budget Cuts

I recently spoke with newly confirmed commissioner of the New Hampshire Department of Transportation, Christopher Clement, about the current budget constraints at the DOT and also his plan on how to finish the $800 million expansion of Interstate 93 without federal dollars. The project, which began in 2007, is an expansion of I-93 from a […]

Q&A: What’s Driving UNH’s High Student Debt Numbers?

Starting last week, and continuing today, we’ve been focusing on a report from the Project on Student Debt. Nationally, the average Class of 2010 student graduated with $25,250 in loans, while New Hampshire alumni carried student debt loads of  $31,048, on average. Although it’s clear that average student debt in New Hampshire is high, there […]

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