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Advocates Of Failed Income Tax Amendment Say Their Goals Were Achieved

Ballot Question One ā€“ a constitutional ban on the income tax — did not receive the 67 percent of votes it needed to become law on Tuesday.Ā  It did, however, receive 57 percent of the vote: a healthy majority. During an otherwise Democratic sweep on Tuesday, this GOP initiative received more votes in New Hampshire […]

Primary Crash Course: How GOP Gov. Candidates Say They Would Jump-Start The Economy

Next week, New Hampshire voters will decide who gets to run for governor this November.Ā  And despite the fact that most states would envy our 5.4 percent unemployment rate, jobs and the economy are the issues driving the primary elections. StateImpact lays out the similarities–and differences–between the plans of the leading GOP candidates. Q: How […]

How Republican Gov. Candidates’ Tax Cut Plans Could Affect NH’s Bottom Line

With the gubernatorial primaries about a week away, the team at StateImpact is taking a closer look at how the leading contenders would boost New Hampshire’s economy.Ā  If you tune into Morning Edition tomorrow and again on Thursday, you’ll catch our quick comparisons of the two Republican and Democratic plans.Ā  (And, of course, we’ll be […]

Gov. Candidate Kevin Smith Sees Big Benefit From Campaign Finance Loophole

Ed. Note: This story was reported by contributor Brian Wallstin. No candidate in theĀ Ā 2012 gubernatorial race benefitedĀ more from a major loophole in New Hampshire’sĀ political-finance regulationsĀ thanĀ Republican Kevin Smith. State election law limits corporate campaign contributions to $7,000 per election cycle, the same as individual donors. But nothing in the law prohibits multiple limited-liability companies controlled by […]

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