This page is no longer being updated. For ongoing coverage of this topic, go to New Hampshire Public Radio.
This page is no longer being updated. For ongoing coverage of this topic, go to New Hampshire Public Radio.
A taxpayer-funded eco-business program is paying off for New Hampshire. The Green Launching Pad at the University of New Hampshire has given grants to more than a dozen start-ups in the state. But it hasn’t awarded any new funds since last year. But the scene at the statehouse last winter was one of optimism for a […]
The region’s controversial cap-and-trade system is working–at least as far as grant-funded energy cuts are concerned. A new report released by UNH-based Carbon Solutions New England found that between the summers of 2010 and 2011, companies cut their emissions by 18,900 metric tons. As David Brooks reports for the Nashua Telegraph: “Grants from money paid […]
The quirky calculus of oil price economics is notoriously complex. What that often translates to, in terms of media coverage, is continual score-keeping. How much have prices risen over the past week? From this time a month ago? A year ago? Foster’s Daily Democrat is particularly good at keeping up with the flow of figures. […]
The big story of the day is, of course, President Obama’s State of the Union address last night. Since the speech wrapped, analysis from politicos, pundits, and wonks has been pretty much non-stop. As a business and economy site, we’re definitely interested in the overarching economic themes of the president’s address–and the Republican response. But […]
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