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This page is no longer being updated. For ongoing coverage of this topic, go to New Hampshire Public Radio.
As we promised last Friday, we’ve been keeping track of which posts got the most clicks this week. So without further ado…here’s our inaugural Essential StateImpact post for the week:
Despite recent legislative budget cuts that have forced the state university system to ratchet up tuition–and student debt load–New Hampshire residents are actually pretty good at paying off their government loans. That’s according to US Department of Education numbers collected by USA Today. The feds report only 5.07 percent of Granite Staters failed to pay […]
AP reported Friday that leaf peeping bus tours in New Hampshire’s popular White Mountain region and other parts of New England are down this fall. New Hampshire’s foliage season is the second most popular and lucrative time for tourism in the state, according to the New Hampshire Division of Travel and Tourism Development. The state […]
One out of ten houses in New Hampshire is a seasonal home; the homeowners pay taxes, just like everyone else, while demanding only a handful of services. But that could change if aging owners decide to retire here, turning their vacation homes into year-round residences.
New Hampshire has a higher percentage of baby boomers on average than most of the nation: 30 percent. “Relative to the rest of the country we have a larger proportion of that 45-65 age group.” says Steve Norton, Director of New Hampshire Center for Public Policy Studies. The Center released a report today looking at what will happen […]
The new US Census data released this week shows that New Hampshire’s median household income is among the highest in the country. In fact, we’re one of only eight states where household income is above the national average. Median income in New Hampshire is $61,042. That may seem like good money, but a closer look reveals that New […]
The US Census Bureau released data today showing more kids living in poverty nationwide, but New Hampshire is among a small number of states that did NOT see an increase. The Carsey Institute at the University of New Hampshire found that since 2009, a million more kids are living in poverty. But if you look at […]
Nearly one-third of New England families with children are single-parent households. That’s according to a map published in Communities And Banking, a quarterly publication released by the Boston Fed. Using Census data, Robert Clifford mapped out the percentage of New England households that were single families. He also notes with pie charts the proportion that […]
The Liquor Commission’s been in the news a lot lately, between record-breaking year-over-year sales and plans to add a new store at Manchester-Boston Regional Airport. But StateImpact was curious about something else. Was there a spike in booze sales in the run-up to Irene?
Here’s a new map from the Tax Foundation showing growth of high-income taxpayers from 1999-2009. What’s particularly interesting about these numbers is that they straddle pre- and post-recession years. So StateImpact naturally wondered, did the recession dramatically change where the high income bracket grew?
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