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Economics And Politics Clash Over NH Tax Revenue Forecast

Yesterday, StateImpact liveblogged the Joint Economic Session.  Members of the House and Senate Finance and Ways and Means Committees gathered for hours to hear economists offer projections on where the global, national, and state economies are headed in 2012. Admittedly, it was pretty dry stuff.  And we were ready to do what we’ve done with […]

We’re Liveblogging “Next-Generation Matters: A Forum On The Future!”

At StateImpact, it’s that time of year when various analysts assess economic trends that took root over the past year, what the economic landscape will look like in the future, and how those changes could affect the big budget decisions the legislature will be making in the coming session. That’s the idea behind the event […]

Part 2: Which NH Counties Won New Residents–And Lost Old Ones

We’ve been thinking a bit more about demographics lately, in light of the New England Economic Partnership’s recent Economic Forecast conference.  The region faces a number of population problems.  At the risk of oversimplification, here are the main issues: New England has a high proportion of people who are Baby Boomers and older.  Some are […]

Chart: How NH’s Business Concerns Have Changed Since Last Year

This week, we posted Six Surprising Takeaways from the 2012 NH Business Outlook Survey.  (You can read that story here.) One of the things we noted was how concerns that hadn’t really qualified as “major” last year were suddenly a big deal for businesses this year, and vice-versa.  The high cost of energy, for example, […]

Six Surprising Takeaways From The 2012 NH Business Outlook Survey

Every year, New Hampshire’s Business and Industry Association commissions a survey of the state’s firms.  The idea is to get the pulse of how businesses think the next year will go.  Do they think economic conditions, hiring, revenues, and capital spending will increase, decrease, or remain the same over the next year? The answers to […]

Part 1: Which NH Counties Won New Residents–And Lost Old Ones

Yesterday, we linked to a nifty map generated by Jon Bruner of Forbes.  (We still recommend you check it out.)  Using IRS data, he was able to trace where people in every county in the country were moving to–and from–since 2005. Since New England’s been experiencing a shortage of young, working-age people–and their kids–for some […]

Mapping Who’s Coming To–And Leaving–New Hampshire

As you’re probably well aware by now, StateImpact really, really likes maps, charts, and other cool ways of visualizing the numbers soup we lovingly refer to as “raw data.”  Oftentimes, we like to generate our own stuff.  But every now and then, someone creates an interactive data tool so cool, we just have to share […]

StateImpact Talks NH’s Seasonal Home Economy On “The Exchange”

Last summer, StateImpact took a closer look at the economic effects of the Granite State’s 64,000 vacation homes.  Our coverage caught the attention of NHPR‘s Laura Knoy and the crew of her daily call-in show, “The Exchange.” This morning, reporter Amanda Loder joined Laura and economist Russ Thibeault on “The Exchange” to talk about the […]

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