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High Hopes In N.H. This Memorial Day Weekend

Memorial Day weekend is the unofficial start to summer — for New Hampshire’s Division of Travel and Tourism Development, at least. The DTTD just launched a television marketing campaign in Boston and New York featuring happy kids running in the woods and playing on the beach. This year, the tourism office predicts that visitors will spend $86 […]

Why NH Factories Are Struggling to Fill Jobs

Nationally, there are about 600,000 unfilled factory jobs.  But despite high unemployment, many of these jobs are proving difficult for employers to fill. That’s because American manufacturers are increasingly looking for workers with specialized skills. And those skills can take a long time for workers to learn. Take GE Aviation in Hooksett, New Hampshire.  With 720 workers, it’s one of the […]

Q&A: Why There’s More To The “Skills Gap” Than A Worker Shortage

Ramping-up federal funding for highly skilled, computerized advanced manufacturing training at community colleges is a key part of President Obama’s jobs initiative.  In a recent budget proposal, he pushed for creating an $8 billion Community College to Career fund.  Among other things, it would increase training for advanced manufacturing.  That sits well with a number […]

Big News For Brewers and Beer Lovers


Yesterday the New Hampshire House of Representatives passed a bill allowing the sale of specialty beer in New Hampshire.  As a spokesperson from Red Hook Brewery in Portsmouth explained to me, until now breweries were unable to brew or distribute in N.H. beers containing either over 6 percent alcohol, or spice and fruit ingredients.  This […]

Farmer, Meet Restaurateur: A Seacoast Org Gets Matchmaking

Farmer Charles Reid of Osprey Cove Organic Farm in Madbury, N.H. says getting local food onto restaurant menus is not always easy.   That’s where Portsmouth non-profit Seacoast Local comes in. Kind of like a matchmaker, it tries to connect locally owned restaurants with regional farmers. This summer the organization is hosting a fundraising series of […]

Why NH’s Waterfront Market Might Be On The Rebound

“Could the era of numerous big dollar waterfront sales be returning?” That’s the question Roy Sanborn, a realtor in Meredith, NH, posed in a column on Saturday in the Laconia Daily Sun. According to data compiled for the month of April from the Northern New England Real Estate MLS System, the average sales price of a home […]

How Market Basket’s Changing Worker Safety Rules After OSHA Settlement

Recently,Tewksbury, Massachusetts-based DeMoulas Supermarkets, Inc. settled with the feds on a laundry list of major safety violations at Market Basket stores.  As we’ve previously reported, OSHA slapped DeMoulas with $589,000 in fines following store inspections in Concord and Rindge.  Then, after considering a the number of serious, repeat, and willful violations, the agency went so […]

Three Reasons Why It’s Boom Time For NH Manufacturers

Although tourism is something of a signature industry for New Hampshire, the largest sector of the state’s economy–by far–is advanced manufacturing.  So-called “SMHT” (Smart Manufacturing/High Technology). Looking back on the exodus of shoe and textile factories, the slow death of the wood products industry, and the decline of high-tech in the 1990’s, you’d be forgiven […]

Fairpoint Can Keep Penalty Money To Build Up Broadband Coverage

The question of whether to offer customers rebates for bad service or expand broadband access throughout the state is now pretty much for Fairpoint to decide. The telecom company faces $2.8 million in fines related to a series of service problems that cropped-up back in 2009.  Rather than return the fees to customers, Fairpoint asked […]

Survey Says Not All NH Counties Equally Small Business-Friendly

If you’re looking for some of the happiest small business owners in the state, the Monadnock Region would be a good place to start. Recently, we looked at how the Granite State stacks-up to the rest of the country in terms of its small business environment.  A survey of about 6,000 business owners released by […]

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