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How Dodd-Frank Regulations Affect You (Trust Us, They Will)

One of the key consequences of the economic collapse a few years ago was the passage of a massive piece of legislation called the “Dodd-Frank Act.”  The bill was co-sponsored by (now-retired) Democratic Senator Chris Dodd of Connecticut and (soon-to-be-retired) Democratic Massachusetts Representative Barney Frank.  In a nutshell, their idea was to prevent another massive […]

Governor Uses State Of The State To Rally Support For Portsmouth Naval Shipyard

Governor John Lynch added his voice to those of other New England politicians preemptively opposing closure of the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard.  In his State of the State address, Lynch said: “When the federal government threatened to close the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard [in 2005], the workers, lawmakers, local businesses and the community at large came together […]

Visualizing The State Of The Union Address (And The GOP Response)

The big story of the day is, of course, President Obama’s State of the Union address last night.  Since the speech wrapped, analysis from politicos, pundits, and wonks has been pretty much non-stop. As a business and economy site, we’re definitely interested in the overarching economic themes of the president’s address–and the Republican response.  But […]

The Ultimate NH Primary Cheat Sheet: Where The Candidates Stand on Economic Policy

After months of political debates, ad buying, and hand-shaking, the New Hampshire Republican primary is finally upon us.  And not surprisingly, the latest WMUR Granite State Poll from the University of New Hampshire Survey Center shows that the economy/jobs is the top issue for about 60 percent of the state’s voters. The Iowa Caucuses have […]

Q&A: Why The Patron Saint Of “Reagonomics” Supports A Carbon Tax

If there is a patron saint of modern Republican tax policy, it is economist Arthur Laffer.  Laffer is best known for the  Laffer Curve – a graph of the theory that under the right circumstances, a cut in tax rates produces higher tax revenues.  The Laffer Curve was the keystone of  so-called “Reaganomics.” He was […]

How Defense And Other Federal Spending In NH Stacks Up To The Rest Of The Country

Yesterday, we showed you a cool infographic created by a team of reporters at Stateline detailing, state-by-state, how a European recession could affect the US export economy.  Although New Hampshire wasn’t among the “highest risk” states, it ranked as “high risk.”  (You can check out that post here.) And it seems that the folks at […]

How Big Banks (Some With NH Branches) Benefitted From Secret Fed Loan Program

Recently, Bloomberg released a stunning report about a massive, secret bank loan program run by the Fed.  The story is the culmination of a two-year-old Freedom of Information request Bloomberg made to the central bank that was fought out in federal court.  What the news organization won the right to see were thousands of pages […]

“Affordable” North Conway Outlets Get Shout-Out On SNL

In all likelihood, most of you aren’t visiting StateImpact for our primary coverage.  Yes, we completely agree that the Republican primary is a Very Big Deal.  But most people don’t go to business news sites to get nitty-gritty political coverage, either.  So we try to keep political stories strictly focused on New Hampshire’s business and […]

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