
Bringing the Economy Home

Lack Of Consensus Delays Personal Property Tax Vote

Molly Messick / StateImpact Idaho

Rep. Gary Collins has served on the Revenue and Taxation Committee for 12 years.

It’s not often that reporters write about what didn’t happen. But for close observers of the 2013 session, it’s worth noting what the House Revenue and Taxation Committee did not take up this morning: legislation to repeal or scale back Idaho’s personal property tax

After the committee abandoned plans to vote on two existing bills on Thursday, the Idaho Association of Commerce and Industry’s Alex LaBeau made known that he was at work on a new bill he hoped to present today. LaBeau represents many of the state’s large businesses and has consistently pushed to eliminate the tax.

Today, Chairman Gary Collins (R-Nampa) confirmed he has received a new draft bill on the issue. Continue Reading

Is Idaho Winning A Race To The Economic Bottom? That Depends On Who You Ask

Emilie Ritter Saunders / StateImpact

Mike Ferguson spoke to Boise's City Club on March 13, 2013.

Many of Idaho’s monthly and quarterly economic indicators are good. The state’s unemployment rate has dropped steadily, tax collections are on-par with forecasts, gross state product is growing, and so are incomes.

But economist Mike Ferguson says it’s not that simple. To get a true sense of where Idaho stands economically, Ferguson says, it’s important to look at where Idaho has been, and what’s going on in our neighboring states.

Ferguson directs the Idaho Center for Fiscal Policy. Before that, he was Idaho’s chief economist for 25 years working under six different governors. As StateImpact has reported over the last two years, Ferguson is critical of Gov. C.L. “Butch” Otter’s economic development policies, particularly cutbacks in state funding of public services.

Ferguson packaged his concerns in a speech to Boise’s City Club this week. We’ve posted the full audio of his talk here: Continue Reading

Idaho Legislative Committee Votes Unanimously To Introduce Medicaid Expansion Bill

Molly Messick / StateImpact Idaho

Rep. John Rusche (D-Lewiston) is a retired physician and former health insurance executive.

The House Health and Welfare Committee this morning voted unanimously to introduce a pair of bills that would expand Medicaid eligibility in Idaho and eliminate the state’s catastrophic health care fund.

The Medicaid expansion is a key component of the federal Affordable Care Act. Rep. Tom Loertscher (R-Iona), who presented the bills, says expanding eligibility to those who live at or below 138 percent of the federal poverty level is the pragmatic course for Idaho.  Continue Reading

Bill To Create A State-Based Health Insurance Exchange Passes The Idaho House

After seven hours of debate, Idaho House lawmakers voted 41-29 to pass a bill that would give Idaho control over building and maintaining an online insurance marketplace.

One of the final comments during the House debate came from Rep. Lenore Hardy Barrett (R-Custer) who said, “Unless you’ve got something really important to say, let my people go.” Barrett was one of the 29 House members to vote against the state-based health insurance exchange.

The online insurance marketplace is a cornerstone of President Obama’s health care law. Idaho Governor C.L. “Butch” Otter has committed the state to building its own exchange, but that requires legislative approval. Continue Reading

Committee Delays Personal Property Tax Vote; Business Lobby May Introduce Third Bill

Georges Gobet/AFP/Getty Images / Fred Dufour/AFP

A harvesting combine, which is considered personal property, is tax-exempt in Idaho. A restaurant's wine glasses are taxable personal property.

The House Revenue and Taxation Committee this afternoon scrapped plans to weigh in Thursday on a pair of competing bills to repeal or partially repeal Idaho’s business personal property tax.

Idaho Association of Commerce and Industry (IACI) president Alex LaBeau, who presented the more sweeping of the two bills, confirms that he is at work on a new piece of legislation that he hopes will be introduced on Friday.

“Anything this complex, you listen to the debate and you take into account the things that were said,” LaBeau said in explaining the change of plans. “It’s just part of the process.”  Continue Reading

Updated: Top Lawmakers Agree There’s No Consensus On Personal Property Tax

Molly Messick / StateImpact Idaho

House Speaker Scott Bedke said Tuesday that he doesn't think there's "broad-based resolution" on how the Legislature should address the personal property tax.

UPDATE: The competing personal property tax bills that were introduced last week have both been removed from Thursday’s agenda.

Times-News reporter Melissa Davlin reports that the Idaho Association of Commerce and Industry will introduce a third personal property tax bill on Friday.

Originally, committee chairman Gary Collins, R-Nampa, said he intended to hold a vote on the two bills on Thursday. Rep. Stephen Hartgen, R-Twin Falls, said he wasn’t sure why Collins didn’t put the bills on the agenda.

“My guess is there still needs to be discussion as to what amendments, if any, might be put forward,” Hartgen said. Continue Reading

The Idaho House Could Be In For A Long Debate On The Health Exchange

Emilie Ritter Saunders / StateImpact

Sen. Brent Hill and Rep. Scott Bedke talked with Idaho Press Club members over lunch on Tuesday.

Could the Idaho House of Representatives be in for a marathon debate tomorrow over the latest state-based health insurance exchange proposal? If what happened during Senate debate on a similar proposal is any indication, then yes.

Last month, the Senate passed Gov. C.L. “Butch” Otter’s plan to create an online insurance marketplace, or health insurance exchange, in a 23-12 vote after nearly six hours of debate. Since then, an alternate bill that gives the Legislature more oversight of the exchange has gotten initial approval in a House committee. It’s up for debate in front of the full chamber tomorrow morning.

House Speaker Scott Bedke (R-Oakley) says he doesn’t plan to limit debate. “We’re going to start around 9:30 and go ’til we’re done,” he says. “I think this is an issue that needs to be vetted.” Continue Reading

Local Leaders Turn Out To Oppose Business Lobby Tax Plan

Molly Messick / StateImpact Idaho

Rep. Mike Moyle asked a question of a local official from Burley, Idaho in today's public hearing.

At the Capitol this morning there was a long public hearing on two competing bills that address Idaho’s business personal property tax. That’s the state’s tax on business equipment and machinery. StateImpact talked through the two proposals and today’s public comment with Boise State Public Radio host Samantha Wright.

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What You Should Know About The Two Bills To Repeal An Idaho Business Tax

Emilie Ritter Saunders / StateImpact Idaho

Competing proposals that address Idaho’s business personal property tax get a public hearing tomorrow morning. The House Revenue and Taxation Committee will hear the two bills that were introduced last week.

The first bill, which has the backing of the Idaho Association of Counties and other organizations that represent local government, would partially repeal the tax on business machinery and equipment.

The second would get rid of the tax completely. That version comes from the Idaho Association of Commerce and Industry (IACI), a lobbying organization that represents many of the state’s largest businesses.

A big difference between the two bills is their price tags. Continue Reading

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