
Bringing the Economy Home

Monthly Archives: May 2012

Good Sign: Homes In Foreclosure Are A Smaller Share Of Idaho Sales

Justin Sullivan / Getty Images News

More than 22 percent of the homes sold in Idaho in the first four months of the year were in some stage of foreclosure.  That might sound like a lot, but it’s actually a sign of improvement in the state’s housing market.

Why? Because the numbers from housing data provider RealtyTrac show that the proportion of foreclosure homes sold in the state has dropped by more than 30 percent over the last year.  Continue Reading

Volatile Solar Industry Leads To Layoffs In Idaho

Transform Solar

Nampa-based Transform Solar announced this week that it will close, cutting 250 jobs.

In the last two weeks, Idaho workers have gotten dismal news from two solar companies.

First, Hoku Corporation said it would lay off 100 workers at its polysilicon plant in Pocatello.  Polysilicon is used in solar panels. Then, on Tuesday, Transform Solar announced it will close, cutting 250 jobs. Continue Reading

Report: Idaho Nonprofits Pump Billions Into The State’s Economy

Courtesy Idaho Nonprofit Center | Adam Cotterell (BSPR)

Idaho Conservation League, Ride For Joy, Idaho Dance Theatre and Step Up are four Idaho nonprofits.

Nearly 50,000 people are directly employed by charitable nonprofits in Idaho, earning on average $43,350 per year. Those positions equal about 8 percent of all Idaho jobs. That’s all according to a recent report by University of Idaho economist Steven Peterson, and commissioned by the Idaho Nonprofit Center.

The ten-page report looks at the economic impact nonprofits have on the state.  What Peterson found, surprised him.  “Any way you slice these numbers up, if you take a look at the impact on Idaho’s economy, they’re huge,” says Peterson. Continue Reading

Idaho’s Transform Solar Received $1 Million In State Training Grants

Transform Solar

Transform Solar makes Photovoltaic solar cells. The Nampa manufacturer has about 250 employees.

This story has been updated, you can read the updated version right here.

A Nampa-based solar company partly owned by Micron Technology will close its doors and lay-off about 250 people over the next three months.

Transform Solar was a joint venture between Boise-based Micron Technology and Australian energy company “Origin.” The company launched in 2009, making high-tech solar cells.

Micron spokesman Dan Francisco says Transform Solar hasn’t been able to withstand the ongoing challenges in the solar industry.  He says it’s an industry that’s been hard hit by the down economy.   “The solar industry continues to be a very challenging environment,” Francisco says, “with a really unfavorable worldwide supply and demand situation.” Continue Reading

Are Summer Jobs A Thing Of The Past?

Kahala / Flickr Creative Commons

Boise's city pools open June 1.

Memorial Day weekend means the unofficial start to summer.  Teens across Idaho will soon graduate or head out on summer break. Some of those teens, undoubtedly, are looking for a summer job.

The Employment Policies Institute took a closer look at U.S. Census Bureau data that shows the average teen jobless rate among states is almost 25 percent.  In Idaho, April’s teen jobless rate was more like 28.4 percent.  Only six states, plus the District of Columbia, have a higher percentage of teens out of work.

So, what does that mean for teens who want to make a little cash and get some job experience during June, July and August?  EPI says competition for jobs is tougher and there are fewer options for this generation of teens. Continue Reading

Stateline Charts Job Growth And Decline Post-Recession

Stateline, a news service from Pew Center on the States, recently posted this colorful look at jobs across all 50 states.

According to Stateline, the U.S. has 4.8 million fewer jobs today than it did back in 2008.  The interactive data chart shows Idaho lost the bulk of its jobs in 2009 and 2010.

Click around to see how other states stack up:

Stateline / Pew Center on the States

Click the image to scroll across the data.

For One Laid-Off Construction Worker, School Was The Only Option

Emilie Ritter Saunders / StateImpact

Jesse Guyett, 32, works part time at Boise State Public Radio as an operator technician.

Jesse Guyett fits unwillingly into a crumby statistic.  He is one of about 20,000 Idahoans laid off from a construction job since the economy tanked after 2007.  Idaho Department of Labor data show about 45 percent of the state’s construction jobs have been cut since 2007.

Guyett is a journeyman electrician. He went to school for four years, then apprenticed for five to get that certification.  “I became a journeyman electrician in the fall of 2008 and in the spring of 2009, in March, I ended up getting laid off from my job,” Guyett says. He was making good money, about $16.75 an hour plus benefits.  “Unfortunately, we specialized in specialty homes, multimillion dollar homes,” Guyett says, “and those were the first to go when the economy tanked.” Continue Reading

Low Property Values Put One Idaho School District Behind

Molly Messick / StateImpact Idaho

Rockland, Idaho is surrounded by grazing and cropland.

The people of Rockland, Idaho pay a lot to support their school.  As StateImpact reported yesterday, they pay the highest levy rate in the state, despite having some of Idaho’s lowest property values.

Let’s unpack that a little more.  What exactly does that mean?

Relying on the most recent statewide data, from 2010, taxpayers in the Rockland district pay a levy that amounts to $696.50 per $100,000 of property value.  In other words, for every $100,000 worth of property in the district, nearly $700 goes to Rockland School. Continue Reading

Tiny Idaho Town Ponies Up, But Its School Still Suffers

You might not guess it, if you happened to pass through, but tiny Rockland, Idaho, population 318, is a place of distinction.  The town has no grocery store.  Its gas station is just a couple of unmanned pumps where you pay by credit card.  But what this town does have is a school, and local people stand behind it.

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