Idaho Had Sixth Highest Teen Unemployment Rate Among States Last Year
New data released this week from the Bureau of Labor Statistics shows Idaho’s teen unemployment rate was among the highest in the country last year. Preliminary 2011 data on employment status by state and demographic group breaks down the jobless rate between sexes, age groups and race.
Idaho’s teen (16-19 years old) unemployment rate in 2011 was 29.9 percent. Three of Idaho’s neighboring states are also ranked among the ten states with the highest teen jobless rate, Nevada, Washington and Oregon.
[spreadsheet key=”0AiLU6Cs5LWZIdE5vLTZzY1lGVVRhWi1JUkl1bElDVmc” source=”Bureau of Labor Statistics ” sheet=0 filter=0 paginate=0 sortable=1]
* The District of Columbia had the highest teen jobless rate in 2011 at 46.7%
This table presents preliminary data on employment status by demographic group for States from the Current Population Survey (CPS). It is being made available prior to the more involved work on producing a final table using the standard procedure. This table will differ from the final table in a number of ways, but it is expected that the data—particularly for labor force participation rates, employment-population ratios, and unemployment rates—will be little changed. – BLS
Do you know a teenager looking for work? What kind of job did you land as a teen?