Essential StateImpact: Top Five Stories of the Week

MG Shelton / Flickr
If you were out playing in the snow (or shoveling) and missed a story at StateImpact Idaho, we put the best of the week all in one handy place.
Here’s a look at the five stories that got the most comments, clicks, shares and likes at StateImpact Idaho this week.
- Economist Says Idaho Is in a “Low-Skill, Low-Wage Trap”: Idaho jobs pay considerably less than the U.S. average, nearly $11,000 less in 2009. In a recent study two economists began with a simple question: why?
- Idaho Pro-Business Group Supports State Health Insurance Exchange, Eliminating the Personal Property Tax: The Idaho Association of Commerce and Industry is a pro-business group with a lot of clout at the legislature. We talked with group president Alex LaBeau about some of his priorities for the 2012 session.
- Defense Training Firm Moving Headquarters to Twin Falls, Idaho: It’s called LMS Defense Inc., and it’s moving company headquarters from Reno, Nevada to Twin Falls, Idaho. LMS Founder and CEO John Chapman explains why.
- Governor’s “New Normal” Means No Restored Funding for Health and Welfare Department: Restoring funding to health and human services programs that have undergone deep cuts over the last four years did not make the governor’s list of budget priorities. Some health care providers say that sends a clear message.
- At Medicaid Panel, a Personal Story and Calls for Change: Medicaid recipients, their advocates and service providers want to drive home the point that cuts to the program have real effects for individuals and communities. We talk with one woman about how cuts to Medicaid have impacted her life.