
Putting Education Reform To The Test

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What They’re Saying About Gov. Rick Scott’s Budget

Here’s a sampling of coverage of the budget proposal Gov. Rick Scott unveiled Wednesday. Scott wants to add $1 billion to K-12 education, but it could come at the expense of Medicaid and other state programs. Scott vowed to veto any budget that did not increase K-12 funding. From the Palm Beach Post:

The Top 5 Industries Creating Jobs in Florida

Marketing and sales and hospitality and tourism industries will create the most jobs in Florida between 2008 and 2018, according to a new Georgetown University report. Overall, researchers expect the state will create 1.04 million jobs over the ten-year period. The report projects information technology and health science will have the fastest percentage growth over […]

Read the University of South Florida’s Response to Gov. Rick Scott

A few weeks back Gov. Rick Scott sent state universities a list of questions for data on university students and graduates — including how much they are earning. It’s all part of Scott’s push to realign state universities so that they produce more graduates in fields expecting job growth. Scott has emphasized science, technology, engineering […]

From the Comments: Not All Opinions on Anthropology Are Equal

A commenter, citing a letter from a University of Florida anthropology professor, responds to the ongoing conversation about whether anthropology is a STEM study. The opinions of the groups assessing anthropology should not be treated equally: First, there are scientific organizations, institutions built, managed and participated in by a broad spectrum of scientists, united in […]

Gov. Scott Not Apologizing to Anthropologists

Florida Governor Rick Scott is still answering questions after he suggested Florida colleges and universities should get less funding for social science programs, and more funding for science, engineering, technology and math programs, or STEM fields. Scott told a Miami radio station that he’s related to the angriest anthropologist he’s heard from so far. With Halloween […]

Go West Young Teachers

Mountain states are adding more teachers than the rest of the country, according to a Stateline.org analysis of U.S. Census Bureau data. North Dakota led the way in percentage increase in teaching positions between 2008 and 2010, followed by Montana. Florida added slightly more than 20,000 elementary and secondary education jobs during the three-year period, […]

Obama Jobs Plan Includes $3 Billion for Florida Teachers, Schools

President Barack Obama’s jobs bill would pump $1.7 billion dollars into Florida to preserve teacher and first responder jobs, according to details released this week. Florida would also receive $1.3 billion to modernize and upgrade school facilities. The White House estimates the projects would support 16,600 jobs. Obama held a Rose Garden press conference to […]

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