
Putting Education Reform To The Test


Merit pay; eliminating tenure; new teacher evaluations — how are school, district and state policies affecting how educators and their students perform?

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The Resignation Letter That Has Common Core Critics Talking

As the spring semester winds down around the country, one teacher, Gerald Conti, is not going quietly. Conti is retiring from Westhill High School in Syracuse, NY at the end of this school year and his resignation letter has become a manifesto for critics of the Common Core. In his letter — which he posted […]

Bill Requires Teachers Are Evaluated Based On Students They Taught

Florida lawmakers moved a step closer to requiring teachers only are evaluated based on the performance of students in their classes, according to the Gainesville Sun. Currently, evaluations for teachers in subjects not tested by the Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test are assigned a score based on the school-wide average. That means an art or music […]

Senate Committee Approves Bill Expanding Job Training, Financial Education Programs

A Senate committee has approved a bill which would change requirements for certain degree programs in Florida, designating some as “high demand.” The Career and Professional Education Act, known as CAPE, would also require high school students to take a financial literacy course. The bill is a priority for Senate President Don Gaetz. The legislation […]

Three Questions For Orange County Superintendent On Common Core

When Gov. Rick Scott gave his State of the State speech this week, he made a point of recognizing educators who “help make dreams come true for the next generation.” He singled out Orange County Superintendent Barbara Jenkins, who was in the House Chambers as the governor’s guest. “Barbara, will you please stand so we […]

Most Educators Say They Are Familiar With Next Generation Education Standards

Seven out of ten educators in a national survey said they have had at least two days of training for new, tougher education standards adopted by Florida and 44 other states. But more than half of those surveyed disagreed that their textbooks and curriculum were aligned with the new standards. That’s according to a national […]

Florida Department of Education Asking You To Evaluate Teacher Evaluations

The Florida Department of Education is drafting rules surrounding the way Florida teachers and school administrators are evaluated. DOE is holding a series of workshops this week seeking input on the teacher evaluation system as well as the value-added model, or VAM. Teachers will be able to give DOE their opinions about the new system, which bases […]

State Analysis Says Teacher Evaluation Data Rates “Effective”

Students in math classes taught by the state’s highest-rated teachers made 19 percent more progress than the average student. For students taught by the highest-rated reading teachers, student scores improved 8 percent more than the average student. Students of the lowest-rated reading teacher’s made 36 percent less progress than the average student. While students of […]

Charter Schools Say Their Teachers Will Be Evaluated The Same As District Teachers

The way charter school teachers are evaluated has become a source of conflict for teachers and for lawmakers in Tallahassee. The question isn’t whether charter teachers have to be evaluated under state law – they do. Just like traditional public school teachers, they will eventually have to follow the standards set by the law passed […]

Florida Senate President Says Teachers Shouldn’t Expect An Even Playing Field

Supporters say the charter school bill that has a good chance of passing Florida’s Republican controlled Legislature this year will better regulate charters and expand choices for parents. One thing the bill won’t do is require the same evaluations for charter school teachers as traditional public school teachers. Charter schools which do not participate in […]

Tony Bennett Emphasizes Communication During Transition To New Standards

Education Commissioner Tony Bennett updated a Senate budget committee that oversees Florida education funding on the implementation of Common Core State Standards today. Bennett gave a presentation explaining where we are in the process and what’s next. He told the committee the Common Core will transform learning, teaching and assessments. “Florida’s children will be exposed […]

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