
Putting Education Reform To The Test


Stories about students and the initiatives designed to improve performance. Are the many education reforms Florida has adopted having an impact?

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Explaining Why Some Student Results Are Excluded From A Key National Test

More than half of Maryland students with disabilities or learning English tested don’t count towards the Old Line State’s results on a key national standardized exam, according to The Washington Post. Maryland excludes the results of 62 percent of learning-disabled and English learners on the fourth grade National Assessment of Educational Progress reading exam. The […]

What Children’s Authors Make Of Common Core And Education Policy

More than four dozen contemporary young adult and children’s authors were in Florida over the weekend for Miami Book Fair International. As Common Core State Standards for English and language arts are putting a national spotlight on what kids read in class, many of those authors are thinking about the way literature is taught in […]

Survey: Most MOOC Users Already Have A College Degree

The new generation of free, large-scale college courses offered over the Internet was supposed to make higher education, particularly at elite universities, accessible to to the masses. But a new survey of massive open online course, or MOOC, users show that most people who enroll are “elite, young and male” and already have a college […]

Author Sherman Alexie Talks Young Adult Fiction And Banned Books

When Sherman Alexie comes to a book fair, he enjoys the communal storytelling. “I like the notion of all that energy surrounding books,” says Alexie. Alexie is the author of award-winning novels, poetry and short story collections about Indian characters living on and off modern-day reservations. His protagonists frequently share a deep, obsessive love of books and basketball. Alexie returns […]

What To Expect At Today’s State Board of Education Meeting

Last month, the Florida Department of Education listened to 13 hours of comments about the state’s math, English and literacy standards at public forums and gathered another 19,000 comments online. But don’t expect any action on those suggestions when the State Board of Education meets in Gainesville today. The agency says they’ll provide an overview […]

How South Florida Kids Learn About Sea-Level Rise

Standing at the water’s edge on Florida International University’s Biscayne Bay campus, Nicholas Ogle shows a crowd of teenagers what looks like a giant, rotten green bean. “We don’t want any mushiness anywhere, especially at the top,” he says, then chucks the specimen to the side. Ogle, an environmental coordinator with FIU, is showing this marine-science class […]

Charting Florida’s Progress on ‘The Nation’s Report Card’

Earlier today we reported that Florida student scores on the National Assessment of Educational Progress — also known as “The Nation’s Report Card” — improved slightly from 2011 scores. We’ve charted NAEP reports since 1990 to show you how Florida’s scores have changed over time, and how those scores compare to the national average. We’ve […]

Florida Scores On National Test Improve, But Eighth Graders Still Trail National Average

Florida student scores improved on a key national standardized test, including some of the largest eighth grade reading and math gains in the country. But Florida eighth graders still trail the national average in math, according to results from the National Assessment of Educational Progress, also known as The Nation’s Report Card. Florida eighth graders […]

Florida Matters: The End Of Remedial College Classes

Half of Florida students who take the state’s college placement exam end up failing at least one section. In the past, those students would have brush up in remedial reading, writing or math courses before starting their college degree. But a new Florida law will allow most recent high school graduates to skip those remedial […]

Benefits, And Barriers, To Early Learning In Florida

Florida’s legislative session is months away, but educators and politicians are already talking about making early childhood education a priority. “Early childhood is viewed as childcare, and not early childhood education, which it really is,” says Dr. Susan Neimand, director of the School of Education at Miami Dade College, which runs a nationally recognized early […]

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