Why Police Support Common Core Standards In Florida

Sammy Mack / StateImpact Florida
Chief Ian Moffett of Miami-Dade County Public Schools supports the state's new standards.
Florida’s Common Core standards have a new group of supporters: law enforcement.
The national anti-crime group Fight Crime: Invest in Kids released a position paper in favor of Florida’s new standards for English language arts and math. The group argues that assessments and higher standards can prevent crime.
Here’s the paper’s summary of the connection:
“Florida’s law enforcement leaders see the Florida Standards as integral to the effort to ensure that all students are college- and career- ready, and essential if we are going to successfully prevent future crime. What works to help all our young people be employable and succeed will also work to bring down crime. That is why we in law enforcement support the Florida Standards and aligned assessments.”
You can hear more from the organization and law enforcement here: