Florida School Choice Week Highlights Alternative Education Options

National School Choice Week shines a spotlight on all effective education options for children, according to the public awareness campaign.
It’s National School Choice Week, the week advocates spotlight alternative education options for students.
They include “high-performing public schools to public charter schools, magnet schools, private schools, online learning, and homeschooling” according to a statement from schoolchoiceweek.com.
The public awareness campaign is highlighting events around the country – 672 in Florida alone – such as rallies, roundtable discussions, festivals, and school fairs.
The campaign says Governor Rick Scott signed a proclamation officially recognizing this week as “Florida School Choice Week.” Scott has been a strong proponent of school choice.
He signed a law in 2011 allowing students to transfer out of failing public schools. The law also created an easier path for expanding charter schools and online education.
“We are grateful that Governor Scott has officially recognized School Choice Week in Florida,” National School Choice Week President Andrew Campanella said. “Millions of people in Florida and across the country are united in their view that access to a quality education can provide a ticket to the American dream for children nationwide.”
The celebration coincides with an annual ranking that examines state charter school laws. The National Alliance for Public Charter Schools will release the report tomorrow.