Five Florida Districts Selected As Race To The Top Finalists

peapodsquadmom / Flickr
Five Florida school districts are finalists in the latest round of Race to the Top grants.
Five Florida districts have been chosen as finalists for a total of $400 million in federal Race to the Top grants.
Broward, Charlotte, Manatee, Miami-Dade, and Seminole county schools were among the 61 finalists chosen from 372 applications. The department expects to award 15 to 25 grants, which will be announced by year’s end.
The grants are intended “to support locally developed plans to personalize and deepen student learning, directly improve student achievement and educator effectiveness, close achievement gaps, and prepare every student for success in college and careers,” according to the agency. For more details on what the agency is looking for, click here.
“These finalists are setting the curve for the rest of the country with innovative plans to drive education reform in the classroom,” U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan said in a statement. “This competition was designed to support local efforts to close the achievement gap and transform the learning environment in a diverse set of districts, but no matter who wins, children across the country will benefit from the clear vision and track records of success demonstrated by these finalists.”