K12 Says Seminole County Schools’ Conclusions About Online Teachers Are Incorrect
![9-10 K12logo](http://stateimpact.npr.org/florida/files/2012/09/9-10-K12logo-300x251.jpg)
K12 is the nation's largest online education company and served Florida students in 43 school districts.
K12 has responded to accusations the company may have used uncertified teachers for Seminole County schools online courses.
The school district sent its documents to the state Department of Education before giving the company a chance to respond.
K12’s own investigation found the conclusions of Seminole County schools’ investigators were not correct.
Here’s the press release in full, after the jump:
“In May 2012, when K12 first became aware that Seminole County submitted its materials regarding teacher certification issues (the “Seminole Materials”),
K12 immediately requested copies of the Seminole Materials under Florida’s Sunshine Law provisions.
Seminole County forwarded its materials to the State Department of Education without any prior communication regarding them with K12.
Immediately upon receipt of the Seminole Materials, K12 launched an internal investigation into what it considers to be very serious accusations. K12 also retained a respected former U.S. Attorney to investigate the allegations.
Further, K12 affirmatively reached out to the office of the Inspector General
(IG) and offered to assist in arranging interviews of the relevant staff and access to all relevant records. The IG worked with K12 on scheduling interviews, and K12 also has worked closely with IG staff to understand and access all the relevant records.
K12 respects the integrity of the IG’s process, and therefore will not comment on the substance of that process until the IG has had the time to complete the work and issue its finding.
However, K12, after its own investigation and that of the independent counsel, does not believe that the conclusions drawn in the Seminole Materials about teacher certification issues related to the instruction of the 88 students involved in the relevant Survey 3 report are correct. We look forward to continued cooperation with the IG as that office completes its work.
Conclusions prior to the completion of that work are premature.”