EPA Fines Company for Deep Injection Well Failure
Susan Phillips

Courtesy of Marianne Atkinson
The Irvin deep injection well site in Clearfield County, operated by Exco Resources.
The Environmental Protection Agency announced a Consent Agreement Thursday with Exco Resources, which operates a deep injection well in Bell Township, Clearfield County. Deep well injection sites are used to dispose of frack waste water by shooting the liquid deep into the ground at high pressure. The Clearfield County well had failed sometime in early April, 2011, according to a release issued by the EPA. But the company continued to inject the frack fluid until August, without notifying the EPA.
The EPA ordered Exco Resources to halt injections at the site. The agency fined Exco $159,624 for the violation, under the Safe Drinking Water Act. Exco Resources also needs to re-work its well disposal site, and gain approval from the EPA. Another deep injection well has been proposed for Clearfield County. State Rep. Camille George has introduced a bill that would put a two-year moratorium on any new wells in the state.