
Best Of StateImpact

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Best Of StateImpact: Which NH Counties Lost Residents (And Won New Ones)

The Granite State’s economy depends heavily on well-educated and highly-skilled workers.  Historically, a lot of that labor pool has been replenished by out-of-staters.  Given recent concerns about the ebbing waves of new Granite Staters, we thought it was time to repost a series of posts we did on the subject of migration, based on IRS […]

Best Of StateImpact: How A European Recession Could Hurt Key Export States–Including NH

A good-sized chunk of New Hampshire’s economy depends on its manufacturing sector–especially the fabrication of high-tech products and components.  And a lot of that stuff gets exported.  Now, with increasing chatter about a possible European recession, we thought it would be a good time to re-post our explanation of how, exactly, Eurozone troubles could affect […]

Best Of StateImpact: Is N.H. Really As Anti-Tax As It’s Cracked Up To Be?

Since StateImpact launched late last summer, some of our most popular posts have revolved around taxes.  Given that New Hampshire has neither a sales nor an income tax — and notoriously high property taxes — we don’t find this trend surprising.  As the site has gained momentum, and clicks, we’ve occasionally found it helpful to […]

Best Of StateImpact: Why The NH Lottery’s Revenues Are Down–And Why It Matters

One of our most popular on-going series has been “Losing The Lotto,” our continued look at the facts, figures, and people behind the New Hampshire Lottery. Losing The Lotto: What The New Hampshire Lottery Pays For:  Our first installment of the series tackles the basics of what you need to know about how the state lotto […]

Best Of StateImpact: NH Green Jobs Growth Picture Unclear

Late last July, StateImpact New Hampshire quietly launched our new website.  Our mission –handed down from NHPR and NPR, its partner in the new StateImpact project–is to examine business and the economy in the Granite State, and how government policy affects both. And while soft launches give websites the chance to find their feet and […]

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StateImpact seeks to inform and engage local communities with broadcast and online news focused on how state government decisions affect your lives.
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