State Spending for Idaho Colleges and Universities Below 2006 Levels

Idaho Public Television
University and college leaders are presenting their requests to members of the Joint Finance Appropriations Committee.
It’s education week at the Idaho Legislature. Today, tomorrow and Wednesday officials from Idaho’s universities and community colleges will be asking lawmakers to spend money on infrastructure, employee salaries and programs to keep their schools moving forward.
Governor Butch Otter’s budget for fiscal year 2013 recommends legislators appropriate about $254 million for universities and community colleges. Campus leaders requested nearly $294 million.
The Center of the Study of Education Policy at Illinois State University compiles data on state funding of higher education. It’s called the annual Grapevine study. The Associated Press reports overall state spending nationwide has declined about $6 billion, or nearly 8 percent, over the past year.
Nine states reported increases in state spending for higher ed. Idaho is among the 41 states where higher ed funding has gone down.
This table shows state and federal spending for higher education in Idaho since fiscal year 2006.
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Source: The Center of the Study of Education Policy at Illinois State University