
Bringing the Economy Home


Growth, recession, the transition of Idaho’s economy, and the effects of change on Idahoans.

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Essential StateImpact: Top Five Stories of the Week

Every week we look back at the five stories getting the most attention at StateImpact Idaho. These stories got the most clicks, comments and shares.  In case you missed something, here are the essentials: Supervalu Laying Off 130 Corporate Employees in Boise Fact Check: Is Boise Really a ‘Turnaround Town’? Introducing StateImpact Idaho’s New Unemployment App […]

Fact Check: Is Boise Really a ‘Turnaround Town’?

CNN Money and recently included Boise on a top ten list of post-recession ‘turnaround towns’.  They slated Boise in sixth place behind Sarasota, Fort Myers, Orlando, Phoenix and Miami.  While it might be nice for the Gem State’s biggest city to be recognized on this kind of a list, many of the facts supporting […]

January Tax Collections Exceed Expectations

Idaho’s General Fund tax collections exceeded expectations for the second month in a row.  The Division of Financial Management reports January collections were up $6.3 million above the forecast amount. DFM’s monthly report says the uptick is due largely to better than expected sales tax revenues. The sales tax contributed $103.7 million to the General […]

Idaho’s Economic Confidence Among Nation’s Lowest, Gallup Says

According to a new analysis from polling firm Gallup, Idahoans are more pessimistic about the national economy than most.  The state was among the ten least confident, tied with Nevada, Florida and Ohio. Gallup explains there aren’t clear patterns among the states that register the lowest levels of economic confidence.  “[T]he top 10 states vary […]

Introducing StateImpact Idaho’s New Unemployment App

Idaho’s unemployment rate continued to go up after the recession was officially declared over in 2009. The monthly jobless rate didn’t start to trend down until recently, and it’s an economic indicator we’ve followed closely over the last few months.  Our coverage is driven in two ways:  data and personal stories.  This web-based data application […]

Essential StateImpact: Top Five Posts of the Week

Each week we look back at the five stories getting the most clicks, comments and shares. Jobless in Idaho: Leaving Home for the Oilfields: Allen Brown was laid-off from the Clearwater Paper sawmill back in October.  Now, he’s preparing to leave his family behind to work as an electronic tech in the booming oilfields.  Brown’s […]

Idaho Had Sixth Highest Teen Unemployment Rate Among States Last Year

New data released this week from the Bureau of Labor Statistics shows Idaho’s teen unemployment rate was among the highest in the country last year.  Preliminary 2011 data on employment status by state and demographic group breaks down the jobless rate between sexes, age groups and race. Idaho’s teen (16-19 years old) unemployment rate in […]

Where the Jobs Are (and Aren’t) in Idaho

The big employers in Idaho just keep getting bigger. Most of the top companies and government agencies five years ago have managed to either retain or expand their workforce, according to a new StateImpact analysis of data provided by the Idaho Department of Labor. St. Luke’s Health Systems saw the largest growth, with its workforce […]

Essential StateImpact: Top Five Stories of the Week

Here’s a look at the five stories getting the most clicks, comments and shares at StateImpact Idaho this week.  In case you missed anything, we bundled them in one tidy package. Northwest States Coping with Government Employee Layoffs: Across the Northwest, government agencies and schools have laid off thousands of workers. Just like corporate downsizing, […]

State Tax Comparisons Leave Out Part of the Picture

The Tax Foundation’s annual index of state business climate came out this week.  It ranks Idaho’s business tax climate 21st, up a spot from last year.  All of Idaho’s neighboring states ranked higher.  Montana ranks 8th, Wyoming ranks 1st, Nevada ranks 3rd and Utah ranks 10th.  So we started asking, what does this index mean? […]

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