Growth, recession, the transition of Idaho’s economy, and the effects of change on Idahoans.
Growth, recession, the transition of Idaho’s economy, and the effects of change on Idahoans.
The Idaho Department of Labor reports February’s seasonally adjusted unemployment rate has fallen for the seventh straight month to 8.0 percent. The jobless rate has steadily ticked downward, mostly one-tenth of a percent at a time. It’s the lowest monthly rate since September 2009. Still, the department reports 62,500 Idahoans are still out of work. […]
An Idaho economic consulting and modeling firm’s latest report details the five industries that have grown 40 percent or more since 2007. Economic Modeling Specialists Inc., a Moscow-based firm, says the sector with the greatest rate of growth since 2007 was the cruise ship industry. That growth focused heavily in coastal states, including Washington and […]
Until recently, my car was a 1994 Toyota Camry that my parents purchased second-hand when I was in high school. By the time I was finished with it, its odometer had passed the 260,000 mile mark. It had been broken into in D.C. and held its own on rutted out back roads all over Wyoming. […]
Boise resident C.K. Haun has this routine down. He may live in Idaho, but he’s a senior engineer at Apple. Long before the sun is up, he arrives at the Boise Airport, to catch his regular flight to San Jose. “I can do this by autopilot now,” he says. “Most of the TSA people know […]
These are the week’s top five stories, as determined by you. These got the most clicks, comments and shares. In case you missed one, take a look: In Boise, Women’s Wages Are Among Nation’s Worst Analyst: Fewer Flights From Boise Can’t Be Good For Business “F” Is For “Flunk”: Idaho Falls Short In Transparency Study […]
One of our readers recently asked why the Sun Valley Resort isn’t one of Blaine County’s top employers. Data from the Idaho Labor Department shows the Blaine County School District is the biggest employer in that county. Back in January we posted this map, which shows the top five employers in each county. We wanted […]
Here are the five, most-read StateImpact Idaho posts of the week. We know it’s beautiful outside, but you don’t want to miss these… Economy Leaves Few Options For Idaho Teens Who Want, Need Work | Idaho’s teen jobless rate was nearly 30 percent last year. Meet three Idaho high school students who want, and in some […]
General fund tax collections have exceeded forecasts for three straight months, putting revenue almost $33 million above the forecast for the fiscal year. The Division of Financial Management reports February tax collections were nearly $20 million above projections. DFM says it’s the largest surplus of the fiscal year.
New numbers show Idaho’s unemployment rate hasn’t significantly improved in the last two years. The rate hasn’t been below 8 percent since August 2009. That means at least 60,000 Idahoans have been jobless since that time. Now, data from the Labor Department show while the number of people out of work hasn’t been as high […]
These are the five most clicked, commented and shared stories of the week. In case you missed one, take a look: A Seasonal Ski Hill Is One Idaho County’s Top Employer Tax Cut For Idaho’s Top Earners Passes House A Plan In The Works To Reverse Key Medicaid Cuts Proposed Ag Subsidy Cuts Won’t Touch […]
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